Our vision is for an emotionally nurturing learning environment where pupils can flourish as whole people and achieve success and excellence from strong foundations in a wide range of skills.
Our core values and ethos have at their heart the wellbeing of the whole child and the nurturing of his or her creativity in a culture of collaborative learning, where every pupil is valued as a human being, each with their own gifts and challenges regardless of sex, race, religion and belief, academic ability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy, and maternity.
We recognise our responsibilities in preparing our pupils for life in a culturally diverse society and showing by example the value of respect for each other. We believe our school will encourage all children, regardless of ability, to find the joy in learning, to believe in themselves and to be motivated to succeed in their chosen path in life. We acknowledge that the establishment of the Steiner Academy Frome is an opportunity to demonstrate that commitment both as a community resource provider and as a local employer.
Our overarching priority is to support every child to fulfill his or her unique destiny and to provide him or her with firm foundations so that they can develop into a free, morally responsible and integrated person.
We see education as a journey, not a race, which should engage the head, the heart and the hand. We believe that education should develop resourcefulness and creativity through supporting children to experience their childhood to the full and that time given to developing strong social, linguistic, imaginative and emotional foundations builds capacity to learn.
We also believe that the natural environment and sustainability should be a priority in education. At the Steiner Academy Frome pupils will learn about growing seasons, the life cycles of plants and animals and the effort that goes into food production. We will be keeping a watchful eye on reducing our carbon footprint by saving energy, using less electricity and turning appliances off when not in use, recycling bottles, cans, paper, and buying food that will be produced locally, preferably which has been grown organically and ensuring that our pupils eat a healthy balanced diet and have plenty of opportunity for exercise.
The Chair of Governors, Guy Marson, and the Principal,Trevor Mepham, can be contacted at:
01373 832804