The Steiner Academy Frome began life in September 2012,
spent its first two years in the delightful Wiltshire village of Corsley, moved into a corner of the building site in Frome in September 2014 and took the keys to the completed site in April 2015.
Ours is a young school:
this autumn, we have 285 pupils on roll, from age 4 to 13. Of these, 104 children are in the early years phase and attend one of our 6 kindergarten groups
we have single form entry from age 6+ to 13+ & double-form entry for our 4s and 5s
We are a growing school:
currently, the range is Year R to Year 8 (Kindergarten to Class 7). In the years ahead, the school will evolve into a two-form, all-through school for children and young people aged 4 to 16
the school will continue to grow, from the roots of early childhood, for the next 10 years until full capacity is reached in 2025-26
This is a good school where:
“pupils are well cared for . . . behave well and work confidently with their teachers and each other”;
there exists “a strong culture of learning amongst staff and pupils”;
“staff pay unwavering attention to meeting the needs of each pupil”;
“children in the kindergarten classes thrive in an atmosphere of care and trust . . . and acquire a firm foundation of skills and highly positive attitudes to learning”;
“the teaching is good . . . and responsive to how the individual pupil is learning, and gentle in guiding . . . children to new experiences”;
“pupils carry their innate love of learning, exploring and thinking throughout the day”;
“governors are fully focused on monitoring and challenging the school’s performance”. (Ofsted Inspection Report, February 2014)
Indicators from 2015-16:
The pupil roll increased from 186 to 234;
Whole school attendance was steady at 95.28%, a slight increase on 2014-15;
Unauthorised absence was low at 0.26%;
Through the year, each year-group and class was full and the school’s global waiting list ranged between 60 and 80 through the year. The monthly open afternoon events were full throughout the year;
The school received over 70 applications for the 52 rising 5 places for September 2016;
The intake at rising 5 doubled from 26 to 52. This marked the beginning of double-form entry;
In accordance with our funding agreement, the national tests at age 11 were properly administered;
The ‘secondary-school’ phase of this all-through school began with the progression of the top class into Class 6 (Year 7);
As the school roll increased by 52, fixed term exclusions, decreased significantly, from the 2014-15 figure of 11.5 days to 1.5 days.
The Chair of Governors, Guy Marson, and the Principal,Trevor Mepham, can be contacted at:
01373 832804