These school admission arrangements were developed by the governors of The Steiner Academy Frome, who undertook a public consultation between Monday 14th December 2015 and Friday 29 January 2016.
The governors formally adopted the arrangements at their meeting on the 29th February and they were published on the school website on the 14th March 2016. All admission applications received for The Steiner Academy Frome in connection with the 2017/18 academic year will be administered strictly in accordance with these published arrangements.
In accordance with the School Admissions Code, the Academy Trust governors will review the arrangements at least once every seven years. If any changes are proposed a further public consultation will be undertaken, otherwise these same arrangements will be republished annually by 15th April.
These Admission Arrangements reflect the statutory requirements of the 2014 Department for Education School Admissions Code and the 2012 School Admission Appeals Code
The administrative practices described in these arrangements are designed to be fair and reasonable and the information provided is intended to explain:
How to apply for a place at The Steiner Academy Frome
How the Admissions Authority administers admission applications
How to appeal against a decision to refuse admission
Please contact Ms Shannon Coggins if you would like to discuss these admission arrangements or your particular circumstances in more detail:
You can view the full arrangements here